Outside the Box

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Location: Wilmington, North Carolina, United States

Hello and welcome to my blog. I"m learning to love life and become a better person.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Help America: Stop the Partisanship!

I have recently heard so much about the healthcare reform bill and the financial problems of the United States that I finally broke down and contacted my senators and congresswoman. I don't know if they will read or respond to my concerns but here is what I wrote to Senators Burr and Hagen of NC and Congresswoman Foxx of the NC 5th district:

Over the past several months its seems that I have heard nothing besides the controversy surrounding this new healthcare innitiative. Unfortunately, even with the bill being available for public viewing I find that I am still frustrated with the vague details surrounding such a venture. However I am troubled by the lack of communication between the democratic and republican parties over this bill. It seems to me and others I have talked to that everyone is busy fighting over little details rather than work together towards the common goal: better and more affordable healthcare.

Now I realize that with the superior healthcare you and the rest of the government recieve allows you to believe that there is time to piddle over miniscule details, however, the simple fact of the matter is that middle- and lower-class America can no longer wait for you people on capital hill to drag your feet. We NEED Healthcare coverage that EVERYONE can afford.

Now I am not saying that the healthcare bill that President Obama has presented is the best option (as I said, it is so indepth and confusing that it seems the typical american cannot follow the political jargon saturated within its pages), however, I would like to make a few points known that you may not have thought about in terms of healthcare reform and the national budget:

1. Litigation: Simply put, the easier it is for people to sue the hospitals and doctors over trivial problems, the higher malpractice insurance becomes leading to increased costs for hospital stays. Some cases I am sure are sustantial but many others are taken on by law office only out to earn a dollar? Legal sure, but I ask you, is it ethical?

2. Pharmaceutical expences: The sky-rocketing costs of medication in our society warrents the abolute necessity for health insurance. What does it say to you when an elderly man or women has dedicated some 50 years of employment to society yet has to go on medicare and medicaid and hoping to cover at least most of their medical expenses? Interestingly enough, you all work several terms and are covered for the duration of your lives. Is that fair?

3. Health insurance premiums: Obviously this new bill is meant to fix this problem but why start a whole new insurance fix when the answer is simple: better regulation on healthcare premiums. It seems to me that the government would have more luck regulating how much the insurance companies can charge for healthcare coverage rather than include new insurance choices and a government option. Isn't that what medicaid is for? Besides, what good is offering an insurance policy to employees when they forced to refuse it due to the high cost of getting coverage? For example two years ago, I worked for a company that offered benefits but I had to refuse because the high cost would have eaten two-thirds of my paycheck every payperiod. How can I live off of one-third of my income?

Also if you want to improve the national budget why not add a limit on how long a person can receive welfare and medicaid while without a job. Surely two years can be long enough to find something in the way of a job. They could still recieve medicaid and government support after they start working (lets face it, even a single independant person can barely survive on minimum wage, even at full time) but you should not enable them but supporting them completely.

Another way to save money and help balance the budget: BRING THE JOBS BACK HOME! That would increase domestic revenue and help decrease the job problem within the United States. Or, levy a sustancial tax on those businesses that continue to send american jobs overseas. Big businesses send jobs overseas so they can save money at the cost of the common man who can't find a job and consequently is living off the government (thus draining the economy).

I must apologize for my frank words but I, much like many of my peers, have become so frustrated by the apathy of the government towards the American people. If politicians cared so much for us they would stop fighting amongst themselves and their political parties and come together to find a NON-PARTISAN solution. Thank you for your time and attention.

Being an independant I want it to be known that I understand that I have some democratic ideas but If we want this democracy to succeed then we must focus our attentions on demestic problems rather than try to fix the problems of countries that don't want our help.


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