Is Abortion Wrong Because Men Say It Is?
Recently HBO played a segment called "Soldiers in the Army of God." Among other things, this documentary discussed abortion laws in the United States and how pro-life America is willing to do what it takes to end legalized abortion. However, as I was watching this I began to notice a common pattern of male extremists working to promote extreme measures of violence to promote the pro-life cause. Upon discovering this, the wheels in my brain started turning and I began thinking about who in power decides the fate of abortion laws. Its simple: men. The majority of people serving in our democratic governement are men. Highly paid men who generallyhave no clue about the "real" problems in America today because most of them "are too busy trying to keep their jobs, they forgot how to do their jobs." Pardon the "American President" movie pun. Therefore, this begs the question: is abortion wrong because men say it is?
Laws regarding abortion today have become highly complex however it is important to fully understand them if you are to understand my point of view. As of 1973, during the imfamous case of Roe Vs. Wade, the Supreme Court has ruled that the Fourteenth Ammendment of the US constitution allows women the right to abortion within the first 22 weeks of the pregnancy, unless the government feels it is in their best intrerest to inerfere. However, each state is able to regulate abortion laws accoringly. Partial-birth abortion is "is performed in the second and third trimesters and entails (1) inducing a breech delivery with forceps, (2) delivering the legs, arms and torso only, (3) puncturing the back of the skull with scissors or a trochar, (4) inserting a suction curette into the skull, (4) suctioning the contents of the skull so as to collapse it, (5) completing the delivery. A partial breech delivery is not considered a "birth" at common law, where it is the passage of the head that is essential" ( This kind of abortion is illegal in over 30 states. To learn more about Abortion laws visit
Before I dealve deeper into this topic I feel I should explain my personal views of abortion. I personally am anti-abortion. I believe this is wrong and would personally would never have one done UNLESS I was at risk of death. I like to think we all have a small fear of death, espeically at my tender age of 22. I know there are many couples who want children and would be happy to adopt so if I were to get in trouble I know my baby would go to a loving and supportive family. However, I say "personally" because I am also pro-choice. I believe I have no right to tell another woman what to do with her body. It is her choice and I have no right to judge her. Plus, I also believe what there are alot of gray areas for the "right/wrong" arguament. For example, a rape victem. If a woman is raped and becomes pregnant should we withhold the right for her to abort? Is it fair for a 14 year-old girl who did nothing wrong to be saddled with a child (who also did nothing wrong) because we denied her right to abortion?
Now please don't get me wrong. I do believe that there are plenty of women who abuse the system. I know there are women out there getting 6 to 10 abortions because they do not use propor protection. Believe me, I've heard the arguaments. "Condoms take away the sensation," "He pulls out before he ejaculates," "Birth control is too expensive," "My mate and I are embarressed to buy condoms," " I don't want my parents to find out," "My mate is to big for a condom/ is allergic to latex," etc, etc. Trust me ladies, abortion is the most expensive form of birth control out there. Anyone who pays attention in Sex Ed knows about pre-ejacuation which can get you pregnant. Plus you can go to a health clinic for protection with total privacy. If you feel you must have sex, please be smart. Swallow your pride, use protection! I also believe that abortion should not covered by insurance unless for medical purposes (i.e. health risks).
Now then, back to there original topic. While watching this documentary, I noticed that most of the pro-life extremists and law-makers are men. I'm sorry, have you ever seen a man have a baby---no. Therefore, I believe thay have no right to discuss this issue. This is another way for men to exert their pateral authority. Women today are growing to higher poistions and staus which I believe is frightening the men. Therefore, I believe men are trying to find ways of staying in control. What better way to stay superior to women then to control what we can do to our own bodies. I also believe that theses pro-life extremeists should receieve extreme judicial sentences. I finding it interesting that these same extremist people who are trying to save lifes are the ones killing people in abortion clinic bombings. (On a side note, I also find it interesting that those people who are against abortion are are mainly those who are for war and visa versa. Where is the consistancy?)
Men have no place in this kind of debate. If you feel you do, please keep your opinion to yourself. I don't want to hear you telling me that I am a baby killer when, I am sorry, I takes two to tango, buddy! You want to stop abortion, you go to your sex catagory and start educating men one how to control your hormones. Half the time, women have sex because men push them. I'm sorry guys. You have no control over your hormones and once you are turned on it takes one hell of a lot more to turn you off then it takes women. Thats why there is only 1 out of 100 male rape victems. I truly believe that if you feel you must be involved in the abortion debate then Why don't you figure out a way to punish the man for getting a women pregnant. Like if the women gets an abortion. Why not castrate the male? It's fair. Then you won't have to worry about him getting her pregnant again.
Now, I am not trying to judge anyone here because I feel that all will be judged by God one day. However, I certainly don't think women should have to feel judged my the men of America, rather we should use our own moral judgement, which we are all certainly very well capable of using, to decide whether abortion is right or wrong.
Laws regarding abortion today have become highly complex however it is important to fully understand them if you are to understand my point of view. As of 1973, during the imfamous case of Roe Vs. Wade, the Supreme Court has ruled that the Fourteenth Ammendment of the US constitution allows women the right to abortion within the first 22 weeks of the pregnancy, unless the government feels it is in their best intrerest to inerfere. However, each state is able to regulate abortion laws accoringly. Partial-birth abortion is "is performed in the second and third trimesters and entails (1) inducing a breech delivery with forceps, (2) delivering the legs, arms and torso only, (3) puncturing the back of the skull with scissors or a trochar, (4) inserting a suction curette into the skull, (4) suctioning the contents of the skull so as to collapse it, (5) completing the delivery. A partial breech delivery is not considered a "birth" at common law, where it is the passage of the head that is essential" ( This kind of abortion is illegal in over 30 states. To learn more about Abortion laws visit
Before I dealve deeper into this topic I feel I should explain my personal views of abortion. I personally am anti-abortion. I believe this is wrong and would personally would never have one done UNLESS I was at risk of death. I like to think we all have a small fear of death, espeically at my tender age of 22. I know there are many couples who want children and would be happy to adopt so if I were to get in trouble I know my baby would go to a loving and supportive family. However, I say "personally" because I am also pro-choice. I believe I have no right to tell another woman what to do with her body. It is her choice and I have no right to judge her. Plus, I also believe what there are alot of gray areas for the "right/wrong" arguament. For example, a rape victem. If a woman is raped and becomes pregnant should we withhold the right for her to abort? Is it fair for a 14 year-old girl who did nothing wrong to be saddled with a child (who also did nothing wrong) because we denied her right to abortion?
Now please don't get me wrong. I do believe that there are plenty of women who abuse the system. I know there are women out there getting 6 to 10 abortions because they do not use propor protection. Believe me, I've heard the arguaments. "Condoms take away the sensation," "He pulls out before he ejaculates," "Birth control is too expensive," "My mate and I are embarressed to buy condoms," " I don't want my parents to find out," "My mate is to big for a condom/ is allergic to latex," etc, etc. Trust me ladies, abortion is the most expensive form of birth control out there. Anyone who pays attention in Sex Ed knows about pre-ejacuation which can get you pregnant. Plus you can go to a health clinic for protection with total privacy. If you feel you must have sex, please be smart. Swallow your pride, use protection! I also believe that abortion should not covered by insurance unless for medical purposes (i.e. health risks).
Now then, back to there original topic. While watching this documentary, I noticed that most of the pro-life extremists and law-makers are men. I'm sorry, have you ever seen a man have a baby---no. Therefore, I believe thay have no right to discuss this issue. This is another way for men to exert their pateral authority. Women today are growing to higher poistions and staus which I believe is frightening the men. Therefore, I believe men are trying to find ways of staying in control. What better way to stay superior to women then to control what we can do to our own bodies. I also believe that theses pro-life extremeists should receieve extreme judicial sentences. I finding it interesting that these same extremist people who are trying to save lifes are the ones killing people in abortion clinic bombings. (On a side note, I also find it interesting that those people who are against abortion are are mainly those who are for war and visa versa. Where is the consistancy?)
Men have no place in this kind of debate. If you feel you do, please keep your opinion to yourself. I don't want to hear you telling me that I am a baby killer when, I am sorry, I takes two to tango, buddy! You want to stop abortion, you go to your sex catagory and start educating men one how to control your hormones. Half the time, women have sex because men push them. I'm sorry guys. You have no control over your hormones and once you are turned on it takes one hell of a lot more to turn you off then it takes women. Thats why there is only 1 out of 100 male rape victems. I truly believe that if you feel you must be involved in the abortion debate then Why don't you figure out a way to punish the man for getting a women pregnant. Like if the women gets an abortion. Why not castrate the male? It's fair. Then you won't have to worry about him getting her pregnant again.
Now, I am not trying to judge anyone here because I feel that all will be judged by God one day. However, I certainly don't think women should have to feel judged my the men of America, rather we should use our own moral judgement, which we are all certainly very well capable of using, to decide whether abortion is right or wrong.